If you need help passing CELPIP exam, please check this:

https://amzn.to/47ayhmW. This is now $9.99 USD meaning it is 60% less and it will help a lot. If you buy it as Kindle Price, please download Kindle from Apple Store or Play Store and download it. If you choose to buy it as a paperback it will be $24.99 USD.

Additionally, this is another book which will assist you. The link is https://amzn.to/3DxyRxI for The Complete CELPIP: Speaking, Listening, Reading, & Writing Methods, Procedure, Examples, & Strategy Paperback by MJG Education. Priced at $9.99 USD on Kindle, as a paperback it is $16.99 USD.

Similarly, if you need to get help with Vocabulary, this will certainly help as well https://amzn.to/3Of7A83 with IELTS, CELPIP, TOEFL and TOEIC. It is English Vocabulary Masterclass for TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS and CELPIP: Master 1000+ Essential Words, Phrases, Idioms & More by Jackie Bowen. If you buy it as the Kindle Price, it is now priced at $7.99, meaning you will save 56% and yes kindly please download Kindle from Apple Store or Play Store and download it. As a hard cover book, it is $22.30 USD and as a paperback it is priced at $18.30 USD.

For IELTS these will also prove helpful. Priced at $3.99 USD on Kindle, as a paperback it is priced at $15.24. This is the link: https://amzn.to/3OwPe3L for IELTS Speaking Vocabulary Builder: Master Idioms, Phrasal Verbs, Collocations, & Slang (Learn English (For Intermediate & Advanced)) also by Jackie Bolen.

If you need more help, please send an email saying which of these exams you need help with and private tutoring for!

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